坚密泥炭 stone turf?
石质土 stony soil?
石质冻原 stony tundra?
秒表 stop watch?
叠梁坝 stoplog dam?
蓄水系数 storage coefficient?
折叠地图保管 storage of folded maps?
记忆 storage?
风暴海滩 storm beach?
暴雨 storm rainfall?
风暴潮 storm surges?
风暴警报 storm warning?
石质土 stony soil?
石质冻原 stony tundra?
秒表 stop watch?
叠梁坝 stoplog dam?
蓄水系数 storage coefficient?
折叠地图保管 storage of folded maps?
记忆 storage?
风暴海滩 storm beach?
暴雨 storm rainfall?
风暴潮 storm surges?
风暴警报 storm warning?
暴风 storm?
直尺 straight edge?
直伸导线 straight line traverse?
直线 straight line?
直段 straight reach?
顺直性河流 straight river?
直线斜面 straight slope?
应变 strain?
海峡 strait?
沿滨沉积 strand deposits?
岸线 strand line?
海滨 strand?
稀见种 strange species?
战略侦察 strategic reconnaissance?
平底谷 strath?
景观层次 stratification of landscapes?
层面 stratification plane?
层化 stratification?
成层岩 stratified rock?
分层抽样 stratified sampling?
层状土壤 stratified soil?
层状结构 stratified structure?
层状火山 stratified volcano?
层状云 stratiform clouds?
层状矿床 stratiform deposits?
成层水 stratiform water?
层次类别 stratigraphic classification?
地层剖面 stratigraphic column?
地层控制 stratigraphic control?
地层柱状剖面对比图 stratigraphic correlation diagram?