恒星 star?
海星类 starfishes?
国营农场 state farm?
休眠状态 state of dormancy?
国家自然保护区 state reserve?
静态误差 static error?
静力变质 static metamorphism?
静力稳定性 static stability?
静水位 static water level?
测站方程 station equation?
测站 station?
静止反气旋 stationary anticyclone?
海星类 starfishes?
国营农场 state farm?
休眠状态 state of dormancy?
国家自然保护区 state reserve?
静态误差 static error?
静力变质 static metamorphism?
静力稳定性 static stability?
静水位 static water level?
测站方程 station equation?
测站 station?
静止反气旋 stationary anticyclone?
静止气旋 stationary cyclone?
静止锋 stationary front?
平稳随机过程 stationary random process?
定态 stationary state?
统计量 statistic?
统计带模式 statistical band model?
统计决定理论 statistical decision theory?
统计顶报 statistical forecast?
统计图法 statistical graphic method?
统计推断 statistical inference?
统计地图 statistical map?
统计掩模 statistical mask?
统计法 statistical method?
统计法质量管理 statistical quality control?
统计的可靠性 statistical reliability?
统计地震学 statistical seismology?
统计检验 statistical test?
统计估产 statistical yield estimation?
高差仪 statoscope?
十字石 staurolite?
稳定性 steadiness?
稳定流 steady flow?
定常运动 steady motion?
蒸发雾 steam fog?
蒸汽压力 steam pressure?
钢带尺 steel tape?
急倾斜层 steep bed?
陡崖 steep coast?
陡角断层 steep fault?
急坡 steep slope?