谱分布 spectral distribution?
光谱湿度计 spectral hygrometer?
光谱图像综合 spectral image generalization?
光谱线 spectral line?
乔木手的光谱反射率 spectral reflectance of arboreal species?
绿色植物的反射光谱特性 spectral reflective characteristic of green plant?
光谱分辨率 spectral resolution?
光谱感光度 spectral sensitivity?
光谱增感 spectral sensitization?
光谱系 spectral series?
多谱段航空照相 spectrazonal aerial photography?
多波段光谱系统 spectrazonal system?
光谱湿度计 spectral hygrometer?
光谱图像综合 spectral image generalization?
光谱线 spectral line?
乔木手的光谱反射率 spectral reflectance of arboreal species?
绿色植物的反射光谱特性 spectral reflective characteristic of green plant?
光谱分辨率 spectral resolution?
光谱感光度 spectral sensitivity?
光谱增感 spectral sensitization?
光谱系 spectral series?
多谱段航空照相 spectrazonal aerial photography?
多波段光谱系统 spectrazonal system?
光谱化学分析 spectrochemical analysis?
光谱图 spectrogram?
摄谱仪 spectrograph?
分光计 spectrometer?
分光光度计 spectrophotometer?
分光偏振计 spectropolarimeter?
日射光谱仪 spectropyrheliometer?
分光镜 spectroscope?
频谱分析器 spectrum analyzer?
闪光光谱 spectrum of sparks?
洞穴生物学 speleobiology?
洞穴学 speleology?
废酸 spent acid?
种子植物 spermatophyte?
水藓沼泽 sphagnum bog?
水藓类地被 sphagnum cover?
水藓泥炭 sphagnum peat?
泥炭藓云松林 sphagnum spruce forest?
泥炭藓 sphagnum?
闪锌矿 sphalerite?
榍石 sphen?
球 sphere?
球面坐标 spherical coordinates?
球面角超 spherical excess?
球面镜 spherical mirror?
球面 spherical surface?
球面大地测量学 spheroid geodesy?
球体 spheroid?
球面坐标 spheroidal coordinates?
球状节理 spheroidal jointing?