管式喑沟 pipe drainage?
管道运输 pipeline transport?
斑带粗面熔岩 piperno?
吸管法 pipette method?
河廉夺 piracy?
豆石 pisolite?
豆状结构 pisolitic structure?
锅形火口 pit crater?
井口 pit mouth?
水蚀穴 pit?
沥青煤 pitch coal?
俯仰 pitch?
管道运输 pipeline transport?
斑带粗面熔岩 piperno?
吸管法 pipette method?
河廉夺 piracy?
豆石 pisolite?
豆状结构 pisolitic structure?
锅形火口 pit crater?
井口 pit mouth?
水蚀穴 pit?
沥青煤 pitch coal?
俯仰 pitch?
松脂岩 pitchstone?
旋转断层 pivotal fault?
像素 pixel?
平背斜 placanticline?
地名 place name?
砂金 placer gold?
砂积矿床 placer?
薄层磐层 placic horizon?
薄层铁磐灰壤 placic podzols?
薄层铁磐灰土 placorthod?
化石尸 plaffeiite?
生草表层 plaggen epipedon?
生草始成土 plaggept?
斜长石 plagioclase?
斜屈光性 plagiophototropism?
鼠疫 plague?
海蚀平原 plain of abrasion?
平原河流 plain tract?
平原 plain?
地势图 plan with contour lines?
设计图 plan?
层间水 planar water?
夷平面 planation surface?
均夷酌 planation?
平面角 plane angle?
平面坐标 plane coordinate?
剥蚀表面 plane of denudation?
倾斜面 plane of inclination?
投影面 plane of projection?
旋转平面 plane of rotation?