渗透第 osmotic regulation?
渗透吸力 osmotic suction?
骨脆症 osteopsathyrosis?
地下水露头 outcrop of ground water?
露头 outcrop?
外电子 outer electron?
外电子 outer shell electron?
瘤 outflow?
射出光亮度 outgoing radiance?
逸出辐射 outgoing radiation?
注出冰川 outlet glacier?
出水口 outlet?
渗透吸力 osmotic suction?
骨脆症 osteopsathyrosis?
地下水露头 outcrop of ground water?
露头 outcrop?
外电子 outer electron?
外电子 outer shell electron?
瘤 outflow?
射出光亮度 outgoing radiance?
逸出辐射 outgoing radiation?
注出冰川 outlet glacier?
出水口 outlet?
遗证岗 outlier?
略图 outline chart?
平面图绘制 outline draught?
略图 outline map?
轮廓线 outline?
输出设备 output device?
输出图像 output image?
每公顷产量 output per hectare?
输出 output?
漂水砾 outwash gravel?
冰水沉积平原 outwash plain?
冰水沉积 outwash?
子房 ovary?
过度曝光 over exposure?
滥灌 over irrigation?
表土层压 overburden pressure?
阴天 overcast sky?
过蚀谷 overdeepened valley?
过度显影 overdevelopment?
溢水坝 overfall?
溢劣 overflow dam?
泛滥草甸 overflow meadow?
溢流 overflow?
洪水 overflowing?
倒转褶皱 overfold overturned fold?
地上部分 overground part?
人工降雨 overhead irrigation?
过热 overheating?
坡面漫流 overland flow?
地表瘤 overland runoff?