标准重力加速度 normal acceleration of gravity?
正常年量 normal annual discharge?
正常年径量 normal annual runoff?
正链 normal chain?
正常曲线 normal curve?
正常侵蚀循环 normal cycle of erosion?
正常分布 normal distribution?
标准方程 normal equation?
正规方程组 normal equations system?
正常侵蚀 normal erosion?
正断层 normal fault?
正常场 normal field?
正常年量 normal annual discharge?
正常年径量 normal annual runoff?
正链 normal chain?
正常曲线 normal curve?
正常侵蚀循环 normal cycle of erosion?
正常分布 normal distribution?
标准方程 normal equation?
正规方程组 normal equations system?
正常侵蚀 normal erosion?
正断层 normal fault?
正常场 normal field?
正褶皱 normal fold?
正常重力 normal gravity?
正常高 normal height?
正常持水量 normal moisture capacity?
正态过程 normal process?
正常土壤剖面 normal profile of soil?
正轴投影 normal projection?
正常土 normal soil?
标准溶液 normal solution?
正常态 normal state?
正常层序 normal succession?
标准温度 normal temperature?
正常视觉 normal vision?
正常水位 normal water level?
法线 normal?
规定浓度 normality?
规一化差植被指数 normalization vegetation index?
正规化 normalization?
平均量 normals?
标准矿物 normative mineral?
北美高压 north american high?
东北信风 north east trades?
北纬 north latitude?
北点 north point?
北极 north pole?
北温带 north temperature zone?
北 north?
北半球 northern hemisphere?
北极光 northern lights?
方岩 nosean?