石南灌丛 heather?
石南灌丛 heathland?
天体 heavenly body?
重粘土 heavy clay?
重砂 heavy concentrate?
重工业 heavy industry?
过度灌溉 heavy irrigation?
厚层 heavy layer?
重金属污染 heavy metals pollution?
重矿物分析 heavy mineral analysis?
重矿物勘探 heavy mineral prospecting?
重矿物 heavy minerals?
石南灌丛 heathland?
天体 heavenly body?
重粘土 heavy clay?
重砂 heavy concentrate?
重工业 heavy industry?
过度灌溉 heavy irrigation?
厚层 heavy layer?
重金属污染 heavy metals pollution?
重矿物分析 heavy mineral analysis?
重矿物勘探 heavy mineral prospecting?
重矿物 heavy minerals?
大雨 heavy rain?
大雪 heavy snow?
粘重土 heavy soil?
粘重质地 heavy texture?
重水 heavy water?
海拔标高 height above sea level?
高程异常 height anomaly?
蔬级 height class?
高程计算 height computation?
高程基准面 height datum?
高程标志 height mark?
高程测量 height measurement?
高度测量设备 height measuring equipment?
高程网 height net?
入射高度 height of incidence?
视线高度 height of sighting line?
波高 height of wave?
堰高 height of weir?
高程点 height point?
平康石 heikolite?
硼钾镁石 heintzite?
低温植物 hekistothermal plants?
螺旋结构 helical structure?
日心坐标 heliocentric coordinates?
日心体系 heliocentric system?
嫌阳植物 heliophobes?
阳生植物 heliophytes?
回照器 heliotrope?
向日性 heliotropism?
氦异常 helium anomaly?