冰水沉积 fluvioglacial deposit?
冰水沉积物 fluvioglacial deposits?
冰水过程 fluvioglacial processes?
冰水土壤 fluvioglacial soil?
冰水阶地 fluvioglacial terraces?
河璃 fluviology?
冲积土 fluvisols?
复理层 flysch?
泡沫 foam?
物镜焦距 focal distance of objective?
焦距 focal distance?
焦面 focal plane?
冰水沉积物 fluvioglacial deposits?
冰水过程 fluvioglacial processes?
冰水土壤 fluvioglacial soil?
冰水阶地 fluvioglacial terraces?
河璃 fluviology?
冲积土 fluvisols?
复理层 flysch?
泡沫 foam?
物镜焦距 focal distance of objective?
焦距 focal distance?
焦面 focal plane?
焦距差 focus difference?
焦点 focus?
倒 focusing?
焚风云 foehn cloud?
焚风波 foehn wave?
焚风 foehn?
雾消散 fog dissipation?
雾层 fog horizon?
雾 fog?
褶皱基底 fold basement?
褶皱带 fold belt?
褶皱断层 fold fault?
褶皱裂隙 fold fissures?
褶皱 fold?
褶皱山 folded mountain?
褶皱带` folding belt?
褶皱酌 folding?
叶彩色 foliage color?
层状褐煤 foliated coal?
薄片状结构 foliated structure?
剥理 foliation?
末分解有机土 folist?
民俗 folk custom?
温泉学 fontology?
食物链 food chain?
食物链营养级 food chains trophic levels?
营养循环 food cycle?
食用植物 food plant?
食物中毒 food poisoning?
食物 food?