分度误差 error of division?
均方误差 error of mean square?
测差 error of measurement?
观测误差 error of observation?
读数误差 error of reading?
误差概率 error probability?
误差定律 error rule?
误差 error?
混合式喷发 eruption of mixed type?
喷发 eruption?
火成角砾岩 eruptive breccia?
喷出岩 eruptive rock?
均方误差 error of mean square?
测差 error of measurement?
观测误差 error of observation?
读数误差 error of reading?
误差概率 error probability?
误差定律 error rule?
误差 error?
混合式喷发 eruption of mixed type?
喷发 eruption?
火成角砾岩 eruptive breccia?
喷出岩 eruptive rock?
钴华 erythrine?
钴华 erythrite?
红钾铁盐 erythrosiderite?
陡崖 escarpment?
易解石 eschynite?
蛇丘 esker?
必需氨基酸 essential amino acid?
知矿物 essential mineral?
芳香植物 essential plant?
酯化 esterification?
评价等级 estimation scale?
河口沉积 estuarine deposit?
河口沉积 estuary deposit?
河口 estuary?
标准器标准样件 etalon?
蚀象 etching figure?
蚀刻法 etching?
地中海气候 etesian climate?
埃塞俄比亚动物区 ethiopian faunistic region?
民族地理学 ethnogeography?
古动物行为学 ethologo palaeontology?
行为学生态学;个体行为学 ethology?
黄化 etiolation?
桉村林 eucalyptus karry?
真核生物 eucaryote?
欧氏空间 euclidean space?
真演替顶极 euclimax?
活动正地槽 eugeosyncline?
真菌类 eumycetes?
水脂石 euosmite?