钙积层 calcic horizon?
石灰性栗钙土 calcic kastanozems?
石灰性淋溶土 calcic luvisols?
钙质腐殖质 calcic mull?
钙质干旱土 calcic xerosols?
钙质漠境土 calcic yermosols?
喜钙植物 calcicole plant?
钙化 calcification?
嫌钙植物 calcifuge?
烧制磷肥 calcined phosphate fertilizer?
石灰磐旱成土 calciorthid?
喜钙植物 calciphilous plant?
石灰性栗钙土 calcic kastanozems?
石灰性淋溶土 calcic luvisols?
钙质腐殖质 calcic mull?
钙质干旱土 calcic xerosols?
钙质漠境土 calcic yermosols?
喜钙植物 calcicole plant?
钙化 calcification?
嫌钙植物 calcifuge?
烧制磷肥 calcined phosphate fertilizer?
石灰磐旱成土 calciorthid?
喜钙植物 calciphilous plant?
嫌钙植物 calciphobe plant?
钙土植物 calciphyte?
方解石 calcite?
氧化钙 calcium oxide?
石灰磐干软土 calciustoll?
钙孔雀石 calcomalachite?
计算尺 calculating rule?
计算精度 calculation accuracy?
计算方式 calculation method?
植被率计算 calculation of vegetation covering ratio?
计算 calculation?
计算器计算机 calculator?
火口湖 caldera lake?
破火山口 caldera?
加里东运动 caledonian movement?
校正曲线 calibration curves?
校准 calibration?
锎 californium?
无风 calm?
热价 caloric value?
热量测定法 calorimetry?
萼 calyx?
过渡性红砂土 cambic arenosols?
过渡层 cambic horizon?
始成土 cambisols?
厚层典型旱成土 camborthid?
镜箱偏转 camera deflection?
纠正投影器 camera of transformer?
摄影机 camera?
伪装网 camouflage net?