探槽 coastean?
海岸线 coastline?
涂膜基片 coating base?
覆盖 coating?
钴污染 cobalt pollution?
钴 cobalt?
辉钴矿 cobaltine?
辉钴矿 cobaltite?
中砾 cobble stone?
中砾 cobble?
粗砾质土 cobbly soil?
颗石藻软泥 coccolith ooze?
海岸线 coastline?
涂膜基片 coating base?
覆盖 coating?
钴污染 cobalt pollution?
钴 cobalt?
辉钴矿 cobaltine?
辉钴矿 cobaltite?
中砾 cobble stone?
中砾 cobble?
粗砾质土 cobbly soil?
颗石藻软泥 coccolith ooze?
盆地喀斯特 cockpit karst?
椰子 coconut?
茧 cocoon?
符号 code?
编码器 coder?
吸收系数 coefficient of adsorption?
非对称系数 coefficient of asymmetry?
附着系数 coefficient of attachment?
压缩系数 coefficient of compressibility?
压实系数 coefficient of consolidation?
对比系数 coefficient of contrast?
体积膨胀系数 coefficient of cubic expansion?
量系数 coefficient of discharge?
散布系数 coefficient of dispersion?
分配系数 coefficient of distribution?
效率 coefficient of efficiency?
弹性系数 coefficient of elasticity?
蒸发系数 coefficient of evaporation?
交换系数 coefficient of exchange?
膨胀系数 coefficient of expansion?
细度系数 coefficient of fineness?
摩擦系数 coefficient of friction?
广义距离系数 coefficient of generalized distance?
内摩擦系数 coefficient of internal friction?
线膨胀系数 coefficient of linear expansion?
放大系数 coefficient of magnification?
渗透系数 coefficient of permeability?
伪异常系数 coefficient of pseudo anomaly?
安全系数 coefficient of safety?
渗漏系数 coefficient of seepage?