云带 cloud band?
云堤 cloud bank?
云底 cloud base?
云的分类 cloud classification?
云团 cloud cluster?
云量 cloud cover?
云量 cloud deck?
云检测 cloud detection?
云滴 cloud droplet?
云单体 cloud element?
云林 cloud forest?
云体 cloud formation?
云堤 cloud bank?
云底 cloud base?
云的分类 cloud classification?
云团 cloud cluster?
云量 cloud cover?
云量 cloud deck?
云检测 cloud detection?
云滴 cloud droplet?
云单体 cloud element?
云林 cloud forest?
云体 cloud formation?
云类 cloud genus?
云高 cloud height?
云层级别 cloud levels?
云线 cloud line?
云物理学 cloud physics?
播云 cloud seeding?
云街 cloud street?
云系 cloud system?
云顶高度估算系统 cloud top height estimation system?
云顶 cloud top?
暴雨 cloudburst?
云量 cloudiness?
石松类 club mosses?
重点区法 clue method?
硬粘土 clunch?
聚合分析 cluster analysis?
多谱段图象聚类压缩 cluster compression of multispectral imagery?
分组抽样 cluster sampling?
聚集团聚体 clustered aggregates?
簇生带模式 clustering band model?
聚类 clustering?
生物相互酌 coaction interrelation?
凝结剂 coagulant?
胶体的凝结 coagulation of colloids?
凝结结构 coagulation structure?
凝结值 coagulation value?
凝结块 coagulum?
煤层石球 coal ball?
煤田 coal field?
煤地质学 coal geology?