平均偏差 average deviation?
平均误差 average error?
平均寿命 average life?
平均样品 average sample?
平均坡度 average slope?
平均温度 average temperature?
平均年 average year?
平均 average?
多图像平均法 averaging of multiple image?
航空气象服务 aviation weather service?
维生素缺乏症 avitaminosis?
褶皱轴面 axial surface of fold?
平均误差 average error?
平均寿命 average life?
平均样品 average sample?
平均坡度 average slope?
平均温度 average temperature?
平均年 average year?
平均 average?
多图像平均法 averaging of multiple image?
航空气象服务 aviation weather service?
维生素缺乏症 avitaminosis?
褶皱轴面 axial surface of fold?
腋芽 axillary bud?
横坐标轴 axis of abscissas?
坐标轴 axis of coordinates?
水准漆 axis of level?
纵坐标轴 axis of ordinates?
旋转轴 axis of rotation?
对称轴 axis of symmetry?
阿齐尔时代 azilian age?
方位圈 azimuth circle?
方位方向 azimuth direction?
方位角测定 azimuth measurement?
水平角观测 azimuth observation?
方位分辨率 azimuth resolution?
方位角 azimuth?
方位等角投影 azimuthal autogonal projection?
等积方位投影 azimuthal equal area projection?
等距方位投影 azimuthal equidistant projection?
方位误差 azimuthal error?
方位移动 azimuthal movement?
方位正形投影 azimuthal orthomorphic projection?
方位投影 azimuthal projection?
方位角量子数 azimuthal quantum number?
向位不整合 azimuthal unconformity?
泛域土 azonal soil?
非地带性 azonality?
蓝铜矿 azure stone?
蓝铜矿 azurite?
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