坡度角 slope angle
坡度渐减 slope decline
坡面演进 slope evolution
坡纵剖面 slope profile
坡面后退 slope recession (slope retreat)
坡面更替 slope replacement
坡积物, (2)坡面冲刷 slope wash (1)
扒山廊 sloping gallery
降低资源消耗率 slow down the rate of resource degradation
正在慢性恶化的灾难 slowly developing disasters
污泥接触处理法 sludge contact process
污泥倾卸船 sludge dumping vessel
坡度渐减 slope decline
坡面演进 slope evolution
坡纵剖面 slope profile
坡面后退 slope recession (slope retreat)
坡面更替 slope replacement
坡积物, (2)坡面冲刷 slope wash (1)
扒山廊 sloping gallery
降低资源消耗率 slow down the rate of resource degradation
正在慢性恶化的灾难 slowly developing disasters
污泥接触处理法 sludge contact process
污泥倾卸船 sludge dumping vessel
贫民区清拆 slum clearance
小型发动机 small engine
小型工业 small scale industry
小比例[尺]地图 small scale map
撑头 small tie beam
小型小客车;小尺寸小客车 small(er) car
小自耕农 smallholding
眼睛感到剧烈刺痛 smarting in eyes
熔炼炉飞尘 smelter dust
史密夫工业区位理论 Smith‘s Theory of Industrial Location
烟雾;污雾 smog
经常污雾笼罩的地方 smoggy bowl
防烟分区 smoke bay
防烟挡板 smoke damper
感烟火灾探测器 smoke fire detector
防烟楼梯间 smoke prevention stairwell
微浪 smooth wavelets
煤尘;烟尘 smuts
瞬时试样 snap sample
积雪 snow cover
雪花 snow flake
积雪场 snow pack
雪柱收集器;取雪管 snow sampler
测雪 snow survey
雪水当量 snow water equivalent
吹积雪;雪堆 snowdrift
雪原 snowfield
雪 snowline
雪线 snow-line
雪融水;解冻水 snowmelt