深海捕鱼;远洋捕鱼作业 offshore fishing
离岸入海的污水排水口 off-shore sewage outfall
土壤侵蚀对其他地方的影响 off-site impacts of soil erosion
不按化学计量燃烧 off-stoichiometric combustion (OSC)
葱花穹顶 ogee dome
浮油回收船 oil collection vessel
油井架;钻井高塔 oil derrick
沿海原油浮油油膜 oil film (on coastal waters)
石油污染控制 oil pollution control
石油污染损害;油污损害 oil pollution damage
石油污染紧急情况;石油污染事故 oil pollution emergencies
拦油栅 oil retention barrier
离岸入海的污水排水口 off-shore sewage outfall
土壤侵蚀对其他地方的影响 off-site impacts of soil erosion
不按化学计量燃烧 off-stoichiometric combustion (OSC)
葱花穹顶 ogee dome
浮油回收船 oil collection vessel
油井架;钻井高塔 oil derrick
沿海原油浮油油膜 oil film (on coastal waters)
石油污染控制 oil pollution control
石油污染损害;油污损害 oil pollution damage
石油污染紧急情况;石油污染事故 oil pollution emergencies
拦油栅 oil retention barrier
漏油控制 oil spill control
燃油的 oil-fired
古褶曲山脉;古褶皱山脉 old fold mountain
成油气;乙烯气 olefiant gas
烯烃;链烯 olefins
缺乏养分的湖泊;贫养湖泊 oligotrophic lakes
单步梁 one step cross beam
单行道路 one way access
单向纸色谱法 one-dimensional paper chromatography
一次性包装;一次使用包装 one-waw package
当场;发生事情的地点 on-scene
向岸风;离海风 on-shore wind
现场;就地 on-site
就地处理 on-site processing
露天焚烧 open burning
露天垃圾场 open dump
露天倾弃 open dumping
大空间布局 open landscape layout
开阔牧场 open pasture land
公海污染 open sea pollution
开顶实验槽 open top chamber
开阔树林 open tree formation
开杯试验 open-cup test
业务规划;作业计划 operational planning
世界天气监视网业务系统评价 Operational WWW Systems Evaluation
对植 opposite planting, coupled planting
对景 opposite scenery, view in opposite place
感光火灾探测器 optical flame fire detector
光学窗 optical window
旋光性气体 optically active gas