分层着色法 layer colouring (tinting)
多层涂料 layered coating
沥滤场 leach field
铅、镉、六价铬 lead, cadmium, sexivalent chromium
含铅的 leaded
无铅的;不含铅的 lead-free
树叶枯死;叶枯斑病 leaf necrosis
长叶季节;生叶季节 leaf season
漏流速率;渗漏速率 leak(age) (flow) rate
稀混合气发动机 lean-burn engine
更稀的空气燃油比 leaner air-fuel ratio
最低成本 least cost
多层涂料 layered coating
沥滤场 leach field
铅、镉、六价铬 lead, cadmium, sexivalent chromium
含铅的 leaded
无铅的;不含铅的 lead-free
树叶枯死;叶枯斑病 leaf necrosis
长叶季节;生叶季节 leaf season
漏流速率;渗漏速率 leak(age) (flow) rate
稀混合气发动机 lean-burn engine
更稀的空气燃油比 leaner air-fuel ratio
最低成本 least cost
最低成本区位 least-cost location
城市规划法规 legislation for city planning
出纳处 lending department
欠发达国家 less developed country
较不发达国家备选能源规划系统 Less Developed Country Energy
致死浓度 lethal concentration (LC)
最低致死浓度 lethal concentration low (LC LO)
崩堤决堤 levee failure
遵守的程度;遵守的水准 level of compliance
削平夷平[作用], (2)平整土地, (3)水准测量 levelling (1)
对环境有害消费征税 levy on environmentally harmful consumption
临时性草地, (2)轮作草地 ley (1)
休闲期作物 ley crop
环境损害的责任 liability for environmental damage
责任制度 liability system
溴化锂;一般不译 LiBr LiBr
一种药品的许可证 licence (for a drug)
排放许可证;倾卸许可证 licence to discharge
获得许可证的生产过程 licensed process
对一种药品一种杀虫剂给予许可证 licensing (of a drug, a pesticide)
产品从出厂到最后消费的管理 life cycle management (of products)
地球的维持生命的质量 life-sustaining qualities of the Earth
吊装集装箱运货车 lift-off container truck
轻风 light breeze
光照气候 light climate
光照气候系数 light climate factor
灯光控制室 light control room
轻型柴油车辆 light diesel vehicle
小雨 light rain
细浪 light seas