赤道低〔气〕压 equatorial low
赤道雨林 equatorial rain forest
赤道低压槽 equatorial trough
臭氧的平衡浓度 equilibrium ozone concentration
等效吸声面积 equivalent absorption area
等效连续A声级 equivalent continuous A sound level
消除疾病 eradication of disease
砂质荒漠;砂质沙漠 erg (sandy desert)
侵蚀循环 erosion cycle
大牧场(南美) estancia
大农场,(2) estate (1)
种族区 ethnic area
赤道雨林 equatorial rain forest
赤道低压槽 equatorial trough
臭氧的平衡浓度 equilibrium ozone concentration
等效吸声面积 equivalent absorption area
等效连续A声级 equivalent continuous A sound level
消除疾病 eradication of disease
砂质荒漠;砂质沙漠 erg (sandy desert)
侵蚀循环 erosion cycle
大牧场(南美) estancia
大农场,(2) estate (1)
种族区 ethnic area
少数种族 ethnic minority
种族隔离 ethnic segregation
乙基溴;溴乙烷 ethyl bromide (CH3CH2Br) (C2H5Br)
乙基氯;氯乙烷 ethyl chloride (CH3CH2Cl) (C2H5Cl)
二溴化乙烯; 1,2-二溴乙烷 ethylene bromide
二氯化乙烯; 1,2-二氯乙烷 ethylene dichloride (CH2ClCH2Cl)
二卤化乙烯; 1,2-二卤乙烷 ethylene hydrocarbons
二氯乙烷;不对称二氯乙烷 ethylidene chloride (CH3CHCl2) 1,1-
二氟乙烷;不对称二氟乙烷 ethylidene fluoride 1,1-
乙基硫代膦酰二氯 ethylphosphonothioic dichloride
乙基膦酰二氯 ethylphosphonous dichloride
欧洲养护年 European Conservation Year
欧洲环境机构 European Environment Agency (EEA)
欧洲环境监测和资料网络 European Environmental Monitoring and Information Network
海洋观测站欧洲小组 European Group on Ocean Stations (EGOS)
欧洲自然保护资料中心 European Information Centre for Nature Conservation
欧洲区域/空间规划章程 European Regional/Spatial Planning Charter
欧洲植被图 European Vegetation Map
沃化水;含太多养分的水 eutrophic waters
蒸发性排放 evaporative emission
均匀坡 even (regular) slope
常绿绿篱 evergreen hedge
检查室 examination room
掘蚀,(2)挖掘 excavation (1)
雨水过多;霪雨 excessive rainfall
过度城市化 excessive urbanization
施肥过多 excessive use of fertilizer
能量交换通量 exchange flux
废气后处理净化装置 exhaust after-treatment device
废气污染极限;废气污染限值 exhaust emission limit