已死的,已故的,已倒闭的 已死的,已故的,已倒闭的 defunct
延滞诉讼 delay of the proceedings
国民大会代表 Delegate to the National Assembly
涂销登记 deletion of recordation; erase the recordation
审议 deliberation
命提供担保 demanding security
复员军人 demobilized serviceman
民主国家 democratic country; democratic nation
民主政治 democratic politics
拆毁,拆除 拆毁,拆除 demolish
谴责,斥责,驳斥 谴责,斥责,驳斥 denounce
否认,否定 否认,否定 deny (a charge)
延滞诉讼 delay of the proceedings
国民大会代表 Delegate to the National Assembly
涂销登记 deletion of recordation; erase the recordation
审议 deliberation
命提供担保 demanding security
复员军人 demobilized serviceman
民主国家 democratic country; democratic nation
民主政治 democratic politics
拆毁,拆除 拆毁,拆除 demolish
谴责,斥责,驳斥 谴责,斥责,驳斥 denounce
否认,否定 否认,否定 deny (a charge)
驳回,否决 驳回,否决 deny (a request or proposal)
会计处 Department of Accounting
行政诉讼及惩戒厅 Department of Administrative Litigation and Discipline
政风处 Department of Civil Service Ethics
大法官书记处 Department of Clerks for the Justices of the Constitutional Court
惩治局,狱政局,监狱局,劳改局 惩治局,狱政局,监狱局,劳改局 department of corrections
信息管理处 Department of Information Management
司法行政厅 Department of Judicial Administration
机动车辆管理局,车管局 机动车辆管理局,车官局 department of motor vehicles
人事处 Department of Personnel
公安局,公安机关 公安局,公安机关 department of public safety
统计处 Department of Statistics
开航通知书 departure notice or authorization
受扶养亲属 dependents
递解出境,驱逐出境 递解出境,驱逐出境 deportation
宣誓证言,宣誓证词 宣誓证言,宣誓证词 deposition
存款机构 deposit-taking institution
腐化,腐败 腐化,腐败 deprave
褫夺公权 deprivation of citizen‘s right
副会计长 Deputy Accountant-General
副检察长 Deputy Chief Procuratoy
地区副检控官 地区检控官 deputy D.A.
副处长 Deputy Director-General
副秘书长 Deputy Secretary-General
警员 警员 deputy sheriff
副统计长 Deputy Statistician-General
副法警长 Deputy-Chief Court Police或Deputy-Chief Judicial Police
亵渎,污辱 亵渎,侮辱 desecration
破坏财物 破坏财务 destruction of property
扣留,拘留 扣留,拘留 detain
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