丝夹 wire splint
线应变压力传感器 wire strain garge transducer
线缝法 wire suture
钢丝扭紧器 wire tightener
网托盘 wire tray
打结器,线扭转器 wire twister
无线话筒 wireless microphone
线型X 射线透度计 wire-penetrameter
戒除疗法 withdrawal treatment
家庭成员间的传染 within-family transmission
汉黄芩素 Wogonin
汉黄芩甙 Wogonoside
线应变压力传感器 wire strain garge transducer
线缝法 wire suture
钢丝扭紧器 wire tightener
网托盘 wire tray
打结器,线扭转器 wire twister
无线话筒 wireless microphone
线型X 射线透度计 wire-penetrameter
戒除疗法 withdrawal treatment
家庭成员间的传染 within-family transmission
汉黄芩素 Wogonin
汉黄芩甙 Wogonoside
木梳 wood comb
木曰曲直 wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally
伍德手术(膀胱外翻整复术,疝管皮下缝术) Wood operation ?
木夹 wood splint
木盆 wooden case
木火刑金 wood-fire impairs the metal
寻骨风 Wooly Datchmanspipe Herb
读字不能 word blindness
辨语聋 word deafness
工作衣 work clothes
劳动疗法 work cure
工作模型 work model
观察目镜 workina ocular
工作标准,现行标准 working standard
国际兽医组织 world organization for animal health (OIE)
蛔蒿 Wormseed
糖芥 Wormseed Mustard
有价值的,配得上的 worthy
创口夹 wound clamp
缝合夹,创伤夹 wound clip
创口引流管 wound drain
创伤性营养不良 wound dystrophy
创口钩 wound hook
创伤感染 wound infection
创口冲洗器 wound irrigation syringe
创口牵开器 wound retractor
绞衣机,榨干机 wringer
藿香 Wrinkled Gianthyssop Herb
手表 wrist watch
腕带,表带 wristlet
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