①眼 ②电动力 E (①eye ②electromotive force)
耳鼻喉科用钻 E. N. T. drill
耳鼻喉科治疗椅 E. N. T. treatment chair
耳鼻喉科综合治疗台 E. N. T. treatment unit
耳鼻喉 E. N. T.(ear, nose, throat)
心电示波器 e;ectrocardioscope
鹰嘴钳 eagle's beak pliers
耳用鼓气球,中耳鼓气球 ear air bag
耳乳突凿 ear and mastoid chisel
耳涂药器,耳卷棉子 ear applicator
耳用鼓气球 ear blown ballon
听小骨 ear bone
耳鼻喉科用钻 E. N. T. drill
耳鼻喉科治疗椅 E. N. T. treatment chair
耳鼻喉科综合治疗台 E. N. T. treatment unit
耳鼻喉 E. N. T.(ear, nose, throat)
心电示波器 e;ectrocardioscope
鹰嘴钳 eagle's beak pliers
耳用鼓气球,中耳鼓气球 ear air bag
耳乳突凿 ear and mastoid chisel
耳涂药器,耳卷棉子 ear applicator
耳用鼓气球 ear blown ballon
听小骨 ear bone
耳用骨锤 ear bone mallet
耳探条 ear bougie
耳刷子 ear brush
洗耳槽 ear channel
耳用刮匙和卷棉子 ear curette and applicator
助听垫 ear cushion
耳扩张探条 ear dilating bougie
耳内张开器 ear dilator
滴耳剂 ear drops
耳用起子 ear elevator
耳钳 ear forceps
耳异物钳 ear foreign body forceps
耳圆凿直钳 ear gouge forceps
耳钩 ear hook
耳垂钻孔器 ear lobe piercer
耳环,耳套圈 ear loop
耳乳突刮匙 ear mastoid curet
耳模型 ear model
耳部血氧计 ear oximeter
耳用骨膜分离器 ear periosteotome
耳承,耳机,接耳管 ear piece
耳承定标滤波器 ear piece calibration filter
耳承控制盒 ear piece control box
耳用体积描记仪 ear plethysmograph
打气窥耳器 ear pneumatic speculum
耳息肉钳 ear polypus forceps
耳息肉剪 ear polypus scissors
耳息肉圈断器 ear polypus snare
耳标本 ear preparation
耳用压力探针 ear pressure probe
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