①钨 ②瓦特 W(①tungsten ②watt)
重量/容积 W/v(weight in volume)
填料,填塞物 wadding
鸭步态 waddling gait
下冲式便桶 wadh-doen closet
病房换药车 waed deessing carriage
候诊室 waiting-room
候诊椅 waiting-room bench
壁上托架式隐斜视计 wall nracket phoro-optometer
银幕 wall screen
壁式插座 wall socket
棍,棒 wand
重量/容积 W/v(weight in volume)
填料,填塞物 wadding
鸭步态 waddling gait
下冲式便桶 wadh-doen closet
病房换药车 waed deessing carriage
候诊室 waiting-room
候诊椅 waiting-room bench
壁上托架式隐斜视计 wall nracket phoro-optometer
银幕 wall screen
壁式插座 wall socket
棍,棒 wand
漫游性丹毒 wandering erysipelas
游动肝 wandering liver
王 不 留 行 Wangbuliuxing Cowherb Seed Semen Vaccariae
战时浮肿 war dropsy
战争神经机能病 war neurosis
平型病床 ward bed
病房用屏 ward screen
病房用车 ward trolley
华法林 Warfarin
温热性抗体 warm antibodies
温热自体抗体 warm autoantibody
温针灸 warm needling method
保温台(显微镜) warm stage
温养脏腑 warming and nourishing the viscera
温经散寒 warming meridians to dissipate cold
加温锅 warming pan
温肾健脾 warming the kidney and strengthening the spleen
水加温器 warm-water apparatus
过保修期 warranty hae expired
质量保证期 warranty period
洗衣板 wash board
可洗性软膏 washable ointment
洗手盆 wash-basin
清洗消毒器 washer-disinfector
清洗干燥器 washer-dryer
洗涤脱水机 washer-extractor
洗衣工的手 washerwoman‘s hand
洗衣妇杨 washerwoman‘s itch
洗盆 washing basin
洗衣机,洗涤机 washing machine
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