胸的,胸廓的 thoracic
胸织脉 thoracic aorta
胸腔引流套管针 thoracic cavity drainage casingneedle
胸腔镊 thoracic cavity forceps
胸腔止血钳 thoracic cavity hemostat
胸腔夹,胸夹 thoracic clamp
胸腔夹钳 thoracic clamp forceps
胸腔钳 thoracic forceps
胸腔持针器 thoracic needle holder
胸痛彻背 thoracic pain involving the back
胸腔穿刺器 thoracic puncture set
胸腔组织夹 thoracic tissue clamp
胸织脉 thoracic aorta
胸腔引流套管针 thoracic cavity drainage casingneedle
胸腔镊 thoracic cavity forceps
胸腔止血钳 thoracic cavity hemostat
胸腔夹,胸夹 thoracic clamp
胸腔夹钳 thoracic clamp forceps
胸腔钳 thoracic forceps
胸腔持针器 thoracic needle holder
胸痛彻背 thoracic pain involving the back
胸腔穿刺器 thoracic puncture set
胸腔组织夹 thoracic tissue clamp
胸腔组织镊 thoracic tissue forceps
胸腔止血器 thoracic tourniquet
胸腔套针 thoracic trocar
胸椎 thoracic vertebra
胸,胸腔 thoraco-
胸烙术 thoracocautery
胸腔穿剌术 thoracocentesis
胸腹切开术 thoracolaparotomy
胸廓粘连松解术 thoracolysis
胸围计,胸廓张度计 thoracometer
胸廓成形术 thoracoplasty
胸肺描记器 thoracopneumograph
胸裂 thoracoschisis
胸腔镜 thoracoscope
胸腔镜检查 thoracoscopy
胸廓狭窄 thoracostenosis
胸廓造口术 thoracostomy
开胸刀 thoracotome
胸廓切开术 thoracotomy
胸骨切开刀 thoracotomy knife
托劳斯氏过滤器(由锡,铝,铜组成,X 射线治疗用) Thoraeus filter
胸腔穿刺套针 thoraic puncture trocar
胸,胸廓 thorax
胸腔剪 thorax scissors
胸外科牵开器 thorax surgery retractor
钍照片 thoriagram
胡颓子叶 Thorny Elaeagnus Leaf
思考障碍 thought disoder
一千,千 thousand
托扎啉酮 Thozalinone;Tozalinone