长孔接骨板 slotted bone plate
斯路德扁桃体挤切术 Sluder Cuillotine operation ?
斯路德(氏)扁桃体铡切术 Sluders guillotine operation ?
小切骨钳 small bone cutting forceps
小细胞癌 small cell carcinoma
鹅不食草 Small Centipeda Herb
小型颈牵开器 small cervical retractor
微型解剖器械 small dissecting instruments
小肠活组织检查 small intestinal biopsy
小肠纤维镜 small intestinal fiberscope
小肠 small intestine
手太阳小肠经 small intestine meridian
斯路德扁桃体挤切术 Sluder Cuillotine operation ?
斯路德(氏)扁桃体铡切术 Sluders guillotine operation ?
小切骨钳 small bone cutting forceps
小细胞癌 small cell carcinoma
鹅不食草 Small Centipeda Herb
小型颈牵开器 small cervical retractor
微型解剖器械 small dissecting instruments
小肠活组织检查 small intestinal biopsy
小肠纤维镜 small intestinal fiberscope
小肠 small intestine
手太阳小肠经 small intestine meridian
小骨盆 small pelvis
榕须 Smallfruit Fig Aerial Root
小果蔷薇 Smallfruit Rose Root
牛痘苗 Smallpox Vaccine
天花病毒 smallpox virus
阴垢 smegma
包皮垢石 smegmolith
嗅感受器 smell sensor
斯梅利氏剪(外刃颅骨剪) Smellie's scissors
光叶菝葜甙 Smiglanin
异菝葜皂甙 Smilagenin
烟纸鼓 smoked drum
熏烟纸 smoked paper
熏烟纸记录器 smoked recorder
墨镜 smoked spectacles
血脉调和流畅 smooth and normal flow of the blood
平滑髓针 smooth broach
血脉流畅 smooth circulation of blood
光滑型菌落 smooth colony
无齿钳 smooth forceps
关节通利 smooth movement of joints
平嘴钳 smooth pliers
蛇蜕 Snake Slough
蛇毒 snake venom
瓜蒌 Snakegourd Fruit
瓜蒌仁 Snakegourd Seed
圈断器,勒除器,圈套器 snare
圈套器钢丝 snare wire
打喷嚏 sneeze
①假的,伪造的 ②低劣的 snide