型管 u bend u
形箍筋 u stirrup u
极限弯矩 ultimate bending moment
极限抗压强度 ultimate compressive strength
极限设计 ultimate design
极限设计抗力矩 ultimate design resisting moment
极限安全系数 ultimate factor of safety
极限加荷重 ultimate loading
临界矩 ultimate moment
极限剪应力 ultimate shear stress
极限收缩量 ultimate shrinkage
破坏强度设计法 ultimate strength method
形箍筋 u stirrup u
极限弯矩 ultimate bending moment
极限抗压强度 ultimate compressive strength
极限设计 ultimate design
极限设计抗力矩 ultimate design resisting moment
极限安全系数 ultimate factor of safety
极限加荷重 ultimate loading
临界矩 ultimate moment
极限剪应力 ultimate shear stress
极限收缩量 ultimate shrinkage
破坏强度设计法 ultimate strength method
极限抗拉应力 ultimate tensile strength
超高强度混凝土 ultra high strength concrete
超声脉冲速度法 ultrasonic pulse velocity method
超声波测深测 ultrasonic sounding
超声波 ultrasound
紫外线 ultraviolet rays
伞形屋顶 umbrella roof
不平衡负载 unbalanced load
不平衡力矩 unbalanced moment
未粘结后张预应力构件 unbonded member
无束缚后加拉力 unbonded post tensioning
未粘合的预应力钢筋 unbonded tendon
未建区 unbuilt area
未烧透砖 unburnt brick
无壳套桩 uncased pile
非承压地下水 unconfined groundwater
无控制通风 uncontrolled ventilation
乱砌毛石 uncoursed rubble masonry
河底隧道 under river tunnel
底架 underbed
小试 underbrush
下穿交叉 undercrossing
地板下供暖 underfloor heating
地板下供暖电缆 underfloor heating cable
地下停车站 underground car park
地下混凝土 underground concrete
地下车库 underground garage
地下官殿 underground palace
地下管道 underground pipeline
排水暗沟 underground run off
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