小型空气第器 packaged air conditioner
移动式锅炉 packaged boiler
综合建筑计划 packaged building program
包装混凝土 packaged concrete
填充式绝热 packed heat insulation
堵塞接缝 packed joint
无填料阀 packless valve
承梁垫石 pad
涂底漆 padding
叶轮式曝气器 paddle aerator
桨叶式装载机 paddle loader
桨叶式搅拌机 paddle mixer
移动式锅炉 packaged boiler
综合建筑计划 packaged building program
包装混凝土 packaged concrete
填充式绝热 packed heat insulation
堵塞接缝 packed joint
无填料阀 packless valve
承梁垫石 pad
涂底漆 padding
叶轮式曝气器 paddle aerator
桨叶式装载机 paddle loader
桨叶式搅拌机 paddle mixer
塔 pagoda
水桶 pail
油漆打底 paint base
涂料喷雾器 paint blaster
漆刷 paint brush
喷漆枪 paint gun
涂料成分 paint ingredient
油漆锅 paint kettle
涂漆层剥皮 paint peeling
漆滚筒 paint roller
喷漆机 paint spraying machine
漆工手工具 painter's hand tools
涂油漆 painting
涂装工作 painting work
双门 pair of doors
宫殿 palace
宫殿式建筑 palatial architecture
桩 pale
但刀 palette knife
栏栅 paling
架装荷载 palletized load
铰链孔 pan
盘式楼板 pan floor
盘式加湿器 pan humidifier
盘状拌和机 pan mixer
窗玻璃 pane
门墙玻璃块 pane of glass
嵌入式空气系统 panel air system
预制墙板式房屋 panel built house
壁板式构造 panel construction
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