排出口 outlet opening
排水隧道 outlet tunnel
轮廓图 outline drawing
房屋轮廓 outline of house
一般技术规格 outline specification
输出数据 output data
排出脚手架 outrigger scaffold
外部空气通道 outside air opening
外部涂刷 outside coating
外部柱 outside column
外表面传热系数 outside film coefficient
外饰面 outside finish
排水隧道 outlet tunnel
轮廓图 outline drawing
房屋轮廓 outline of house
一般技术规格 outline specification
输出数据 output data
排出脚手架 outrigger scaffold
外部空气通道 outside air opening
外部涂刷 outside coating
外部柱 outside column
外表面传热系数 outside film coefficient
外饰面 outside finish
外部地基线 outside foundation line
外部装配玻璃 outside glazing
外部脚手架 outside scaffolding
外部窗 outside window
郊区 outstreet
野外椎 outwork
椭圆形拱 oval arch
烘干木材 ovendry wood
居住区过密 over dwelling
多灰浆混凝土混合料 over mortared concrete mix
总传热系数 overall coefficient of heat transfer
截面总高度 overall depth of section
总高度 overall height
总长 overall length
总尺寸 overall size
天桥 overbridge
剥土电铲 overburden excavator
覆盖层剥除 overburden stripping
上跨交叉 overcrossing
挤集型城市 overcrowded city
超裕度设计结构 overdesign
过度发展的城市 overdeveloped city
超量配料 overdosage
溢水口 overfall gap
溢淋 overflow stand
从内墙砌砖 overhand work
悬突体 overhang
桥式吊车梁 overhead crane girder
架空配电 overhead distribution
升降门 overhead door