设有设施装置的心墙 mechanical core wall
机械轴节连杆 mechanical coupling link
机动气龄却塔 mechanical draft cooling tower
机械除尘器 mechanical dust collector
机械滤器 mechanical filter
机动装置 mechanical operator
机械耙 mechanical rake
机械夯具 mechanical rammer
机械冷冻系统 mechanical refrigerating system
机械制冷 mechanical refrigeration
机械稳定处理 mechanical stabilisation
力学强度特性 mechanical strength characteristics
机械轴节连杆 mechanical coupling link
机动气龄却塔 mechanical draft cooling tower
机械除尘器 mechanical dust collector
机械滤器 mechanical filter
机动装置 mechanical operator
机械耙 mechanical rake
机械夯具 mechanical rammer
机械冷冻系统 mechanical refrigerating system
机械制冷 mechanical refrigeration
机械稳定处理 mechanical stabilisation
力学强度特性 mechanical strength characteristics
机械试验 mechanical testing
混凝土的机械加工 mechanical tooling of concrete
污水的机械净化 mechanical treatment of sawage
抹灰机 mechanical trowel
力学 mechanics
材料力学 mechanics of materials
机械化 mechanization
标准烧成砖 medium burned brick
中型脚手架 medium duty scaffold
中粒级配地沥青混凝土 medium grained asphalt concrete
窗框的横挡 meeting rail
连接板条 meeting stile
构件 member
用膜混凝土养护 membrane concrete curing
薄膜养护法 membrane curing
薄膜过滤器 membrane filter
隔膜防火层 membrane fireproofing
粘结制止膜形成剂 membrane forming type bond braker
薄膜理论 membrane theory
薄膜防水 membrane waterproofing
纪念性建筑 memorial architecture
纪念雕版 memorial table
汞弧灯 mercury arc lamp
经线应力 meridian stress
筛目 mesh
筛分析 mesh analysis
钢筋网敷设设备 mesh laying jumbo
钢筋网加强喷射混凝土 mesh reinforced shotcrete
筛一套 mesh series
筛目大小 mesh size