不透水岩 impermeable rock
不透水面层 impervious blanket
不透水心墙 impervious core
不透水性隔膜 impervious diaphragm
不透水土壤 impervious soils
计划执行 implementation of program
预应力的强加 imposition of the prestress
窗框的竖框 impost
积滞水 impounded water
滞水坝 impounding dam
改善的线路 improved alignment
改良草坪 improved grass
不透水面层 impervious blanket
不透水心墙 impervious core
不透水性隔膜 impervious diaphragm
不透水土壤 impervious soils
计划执行 implementation of program
预应力的强加 imposition of the prestress
窗框的竖框 impost
积滞水 impounded water
滞水坝 impounding dam
改善的线路 improved alignment
改良草坪 improved grass
改良地 improved land
改良木材 improved wood
改建区 improvement area
嵌墙式家具 in built furniture
现场坍落度试验 in place slump test
就地浇混凝土 in situ concrete
现场浇筑构造 in situ construction
现场检修 in situ overhaul
就地试验 in situ test
建造不准确度 inaccuracies of fabrication
英寸 inch
焚化炉 incinerator
屋顶斜度 inclination of roof
斜轴拌和机 inclined axis mixer
倾斜死 inclined cableway
桁架的末端支撑 inclined end post
倾斜走廊 inclined gallery
倾斜进水口 inclined intake
倾斜箍筋 inclined links
斜面 inclined plane
耐火结构 incombustible construction
未完成井 incomplete well
捣实不足的混凝土 incompletely compacted concrete
异径接管 increaser
沉陷的增大 increments of settlement
嵌入装饰;结壳;水垢 incrustation
消不去的铅笔 indelible pencil
刻痕钢丝 indented wire
凹纹压路机 indenting roller
独立基础 independent foundation