胶合板层结构 glued laminated construction
木料胶合板 glued laminated timber
多层胶合木料结构 glued laminated timber construction
胶合层积材梁 glulam beam
胶合层积材柱 glulam column
护目镜 goggles
梯段级距 going
金箔 gold foil
高尔夫球场 golf course
重型龙门式起重机 goliath crane
货物 goods
货物升降机 goods lift
木料胶合板 glued laminated timber
多层胶合木料结构 glued laminated timber construction
胶合层积材梁 glulam beam
胶合层积材柱 glulam column
护目镜 goggles
梯段级距 going
金箔 gold foil
高尔夫球场 golf course
重型龙门式起重机 goliath crane
货物 goods
货物升降机 goods lift
仓库 goods shed
峡谷坝 gorge dam
半圆凿 gouge
火灾安全分类 gradation of the fire safety
水泥等级 grade of cement
混凝土牌号 grade of concrete
立体交叉连接 grade separation junction
水平点标桩 grade stake
标准板条 grade strip
分级粒料 graded aggregate
回水过滤器 graded filter
分类样品 graded samples
坡度断面图 grading plan
木材按质分类 grading timber
预应力渐次施加 gradual application of the prestressing force
逐渐下沉 gradual settlement
应力渐增 gradual stress increase
颗粒组成 grain composition
粒度分类 grain size classification
粒度级配 grain size distribution
大纪念碑 grand monument
人民大学习堂 grand people's study house
花岗石骨料混凝土 granite concrete
人造石混凝土 granolithic concrete
磨石子地坪混凝土 granolithic flooring
粒状床过滤器 granular bed filter
松散颗粒填充隔热层 granular fill insulation
粒状材料 granular materials
粒状高炉矿渣 granulated blast furnace slag
粒状软木 granulated cork