控土工 earthworker
缓和曲线 easement curve
易掘岩石 easily dug rock
东方式公园 eastern style park
檐板 eaves board
檐槽 eaves channel
屋檐梁 eaves girder
檐口瓦 eaves tile
干潮 ebb
偏心钢筋束 eccentric tendon
偏心载荷柱 eccentrically loaded column
偏心 eccentricity
缓和曲线 easement curve
易掘岩石 easily dug rock
东方式公园 eastern style park
檐板 eaves board
檐槽 eaves channel
屋檐梁 eaves girder
檐口瓦 eaves tile
干潮 ebb
偏心钢筋束 eccentric tendon
偏心载荷柱 eccentrically loaded column
偏心 eccentricity
宗教建筑 ecclesiastical building
回声 echo
经济计算 economic calculation
经济建设 economic construction
钢筋和混凝土的经济比率 economic percentage of steel and concrete
省热装置循环系统 economizer cycle
经济砖 economy brick
劳动力经济制度 economy of labor power
经济墙 economy wall
涡流 eddy
边缘力 edge force
边接 edge joint
边缘荷载 edge load
边缘弯矩 edge moment
护边板 edge plate
边棱反力 edge reaction
棱边应力 edge stress
边沿衬条 edge strip of a slab
边缘支承板 edge supported slab
边缘石 edgestone
接待室 editreception room
文教建筑物 educational building
约束效应 effect of restraint
混凝土有效面积 effective area of concrete
有效截面 effective cross section
有效深度 effective depth
有效翼缘宽度 effective flange width
有效粒径 effective grain diameter
有效水头 effective head
有效高度 effective height