日光分布 distribution of daylight
力分布 distribution of forces
配水池 distribution reservoir
区域 district
区域锅炉房 district boiler house
分区冷却 district cooling
区域供热 district heating
区域公园 district park
区域性道路 district road
均衡破坏 disturbance of equilibrium
昼夜温度幅度 diurnal temperature range
昼夜变化 diurnal variation
力分布 distribution of forces
配水池 distribution reservoir
区域 district
区域锅炉房 district boiler house
分区冷却 district cooling
区域供热 district heating
区域公园 district park
区域性道路 district road
均衡破坏 disturbance of equilibrium
昼夜温度幅度 diurnal temperature range
昼夜变化 diurnal variation
差异系数 diversity factor
造船厂 dockyard
第杆件 doctor bar
文件 document
扒钉 dog
抓钩 dog iron
白云石灰岩 dolomitic limestone
系船柱 dolphin
穹顶天窗孔 dome light
圆顶状薄壳 dome shell
居住建筑 domestic architecture
家用锅炉 domestic boiler
生活垃圾 domestic garbage
民用煤气设备 domestic gas installation
家用供热 domestic heating
家用供热装置 domestic heating appliance
家用热水 domestic hot water
居住房屋 domestic house
生活污水 domestic sewage
生活污水管系统 domestic sewerage system
民用给水 domestic water supply
圆顶式建筑 domical architecture
大型垫圈 donut
门的装配 door assembly
门销 door bolt
门边立木 door buck
门铰链 door butt
门闩 door catch
门钩 door hanger
挂门 door hanging