养生开裂 curing cracking
养护用薄膜 curing membrane
养护周期 curing period
养护温度 curing temperature
翘曲并开裂 curling cracking
电流流 current
水链态 current regime
窗帘 curtain
幕墙结构 curtain wall construction
曲率 curvature
最大弯矩曲线 curve of maximum bending moments
曲线描绘仪 curve plotter
养护用薄膜 curing membrane
养护周期 curing period
养护温度 curing temperature
翘曲并开裂 curling cracking
电流流 current
水链态 current regime
窗帘 curtain
幕墙结构 curtain wall construction
曲率 curvature
最大弯矩曲线 curve of maximum bending moments
曲线描绘仪 curve plotter
曲梁 curved beam
曲线桥 curved bridge
曲线 curved line
曲面石料 curved stone
曲面 curved surface
缓冲层 cushion coat
软垫层 cushion course
定制模板 custom built forms
泌工艺 cut and cover technique
稀释沥青 cut back asphalt
屋顶台地 cut roof
无门坎门 cut through door
截璃 cutoff valve
切断机 cutting off machine
自行车道 cycle path
多次重复酌 cyclic action
周期载荷状态 cyclic load regime
周期应变 cyclic strains
乱石 cyclopean aggregate
巨型毛石方块 cyclopean block
毛石混凝土 cyclopean concrete
毛石砌筑 cyclopean rubble masonry
蛮石砌体壁 cyclopic wall
沉井 cylinder caisson
管状沉箱基础 cylinder caisson foundation
混凝土圆柱试件 cylinder of concrete
管柱基础 cylinder pile foundation
圆筒状壳体 cylinder shell
圆筒形围堤 cylindrical cofferdam
圆筒形水闸 cylindrical sluice gate