建筑施工费 cost of construction work
合同费用 cost of contract
设计费用 cost of design
工程的装配施工费 cost of erecting work of construction
七费 cost of furniture
劳动工资费 cost of labour
养护费 cost of maintenance
材料费 cost of materials
运转费 cost of operation
生产成本 cost of production
运输费 cost of transportation
维持费 cost of upkeep
合同费用 cost of contract
设计费用 cost of design
工程的装配施工费 cost of erecting work of construction
七费 cost of furniture
劳动工资费 cost of labour
养护费 cost of maintenance
材料费 cost of materials
运转费 cost of operation
生产成本 cost of production
运输费 cost of transportation
维持费 cost of upkeep
单价 cost per unit
棉织带 cotton tape
睡椅 couch
副斜杆 counter
交叉撑 counter brace
吊平顶 counter ceiling
逆两拌合机 counter current mixer
泛水帽盖 counter flashing
粗地板 counter floor
逆两热交换器 counter flow heat exchange
计算机构 counter mechanism
交叉斜撑 counterbracing
逆龄却塔 counterflow cooling tower
后扶垛坝 counterfort dam
后扶垛式发电厂 counterfort type powerhouse
扶壁式围墙土墙 counterforted retaining wall
竖旋吊桥 counterpoise bridge
逆斜度 counterslope
郊区住宅 country house
农村居住区规划 country planning
农村道路 country road
力偶 couple
闭合式对偶屋顶 couple close roof
对椽屋顶 couple roof
成双屋顶结构 couple roof construction
耦合器 coupler
联接器 coupling
对角砌砖层 course of diagonal bricks
丁砖层 course of headers
成层的砌砖 coursed brickwork