混凝土工程 concrete work
混凝土工 concrete worker
浇注混凝土起重机臂 concreting boom
混凝土工奏 concreting gang
冻期灌筑混凝土 concreting in freezing weather
分层灌筑混凝土 concreting in lifts
现场灌筑混凝土 concreting in site
混凝土施工设备 concreting outfit
混凝土浇筑用纸 concreting paper
混凝土浇注次序 concreting sequence
混凝土吊斗 concreting skip
混凝土浇灌塔 concreting tower
混凝土工 concrete worker
浇注混凝土起重机臂 concreting boom
混凝土工奏 concreting gang
冻期灌筑混凝土 concreting in freezing weather
分层灌筑混凝土 concreting in lifts
现场灌筑混凝土 concreting in site
混凝土施工设备 concreting outfit
混凝土浇筑用纸 concreting paper
混凝土浇注次序 concreting sequence
混凝土吊斗 concreting skip
混凝土浇灌塔 concreting tower
混凝土列车 concreting train
冷凝水管路 condensate line
凝结水泵 condensate pump
凝结水回收管 condensate return pipe
凝汽筒 condensate trap
凝结 condensation
冷凝水槽 condensation tank
冷凝器 condenser
冷凝压力 condensing pressure
冷凝装置 condensing unit
契约条例 condition of contract
不稳定性条件 condition of instability
劳动条件 condition of labor
负载情况 condition of loading
空气第空间 conditioned space
第器 conditioner
第 conditioning
曝光条件 conditions of exposure
导体 conductor
水路 conduit
圆锥 cone
圆锥贯入仪 cone penetrometer
锥形薄壳 cone shell
锥体试验 cone test
受压水 confined water
圆锥形屋盖 conical broach roof
共轭梁 conjugate beam
共轭水深 conjugate depths
结合 conjugation
连接螺栓 connecting bolt