凹面 concave camber
凹缝 concave joint
集中力 concentrated force
集中施工 concentration of construction
尘埃浓度 concentration of dust
人口集中度 concentration of population
音乐厅 concert hall
半园形屋顶 conch
混凝土速凝剂 concrete accelerator
混凝土掺合料 concrete additive
混凝土骨料 concrete aggregate
混凝土防冻剂 concrete antifreezer
凹缝 concave joint
集中力 concentrated force
集中施工 concentration of construction
尘埃浓度 concentration of dust
人口集中度 concentration of population
音乐厅 concert hall
半园形屋顶 conch
混凝土速凝剂 concrete accelerator
混凝土掺合料 concrete additive
混凝土骨料 concrete aggregate
混凝土防冻剂 concrete antifreezer
混凝土拱 concrete arch
混凝土面积 concrete area
混凝土底座 concrete base
混凝土梁 concrete beam
混凝土带输送灌注塔 concrete belt placing tower
混凝土排架结构 concrete bent construction
混凝土贮料斗 concrete bin
混凝土罩面 concrete blanket
混凝土填充面层 concrete blinding coat
混凝土块结构 concrete block construction
混凝土块铺砌 concrete block pavement
混凝土块砌筑 concrete blockwork
混凝土粘结灰泥 concrete bonding plaster
混凝土破碎机 concrete breaker
混凝土桥 concrete bridge
混凝土吊罐 concrete bucket
混凝土手推车 concrete buggy
混凝土沉箱 concrete caisson
混凝土柱帽 concrete cap
混凝土车道 concrete carriageway
混凝土独轮手推车 concrete cart
混凝土浇灌 concrete casting
混凝土溜槽 concrete catch gutter
混凝土顶棚 concrete ceiling
混凝土搅拌装置 concrete central mix plant
混凝土运送溜槽 concrete chute
滑槽运送混凝土用死起重设备 concrete chuting cable crane
混凝土着色 concrete coloring
振实混凝土 concrete compacted by jolting
混凝土压实器 concrete compactor