装袋工作 bagwork
横木把手 bail handle
烧结砖 baked brick
烧搪瓷装修 baked enamel finish
酚醛尸水泥 bakelite cement
烧成 baking
平衡压力 balance pressure
平衡贮水池 balance storage
平衡悬臂架设法 balanced cantilever method
胶合板平衡结构 balanced construction of plywood
平衡式通风 balanced draught
填挖平衡的土方工程 balanced earthworks
横木把手 bail handle
烧结砖 baked brick
烧搪瓷装修 baked enamel finish
酚醛尸水泥 bakelite cement
烧成 baking
平衡压力 balance pressure
平衡贮水池 balance storage
平衡悬臂架设法 balanced cantilever method
胶合板平衡结构 balanced construction of plywood
平衡式通风 balanced draught
填挖平衡的土方工程 balanced earthworks
吊挂装配 balanced erection
吸引力配平的烟道 balanced flue
平衡烟道热风供热设备 balanced flue heater
平横闸门 balanced gate
均衡矩 balanced moment
均衡配筋 balanced reinforcement
平衡通风系统 balanced ventilation system
平衡蝶 balancing
应力平衡 balancing of stresses
第水库 balancing reservoir
阳台门 balcony door
阳台应急出口 balcony exterior exit
阳台板 balcony slab
阳台窗 balcony window
粗木方 balk
滚珠轴承 ball bearing
块状粘土 ball clay
球磨 ball grinder
球颈支承 ball jointed rocker bearing
球形闸门 ball lock
舞 ball room
落球试验 ball test
球阀 ball valve
石碴混凝土 ballast concrete
道床层 ballast covering
道碴轧碎机 ballast crusher
碎石料坑 ballast pit
轻捷骨架结构 balloon frame construction
搂梯栏杆 baluster of a staircase
竹筋混凝土 bamboo concrete