吹送器 blower
蜂窝形混凝土 blown out concrete
蓝图 blueprint
蓝晒图 blueprint drawing
蓝晒图纸 blueprint paper
板和板条 board and batten
董事室 board room
板状绝缘材料 board type insulant
木板人行道 board walk
木板壁 boarded partition
粗堑石头 boasting
优质烧透砖 body brick
蜂窝形混凝土 blown out concrete
蓝图 blueprint
蓝晒图 blueprint drawing
蓝晒图纸 blueprint paper
板和板条 board and batten
董事室 board room
板状绝缘材料 board type insulant
木板人行道 board walk
木板壁 boarded partition
粗堑石头 boasting
优质烧透砖 body brick
涂料修饰层 body coat
圬工体 body of masonry
沼泽地排水 bog drainage
熟炼油 boiled oil
锅炉 boiler
锅炉附件 boiler accessories
炉墙工作 boiler brickwork
锅炉效率 boiler efficiency
锅炉蒸发表面 boiler evaporating surface
锅炉附属设备 boiler fixture
锅炉瘤水温度 boiler flow temperature
锅炉炉蓖 boiler grate
锅炉受热面 boiler heating surface
锅炉房 boiler house
锅炉水垢 boiler incrustation
锅炉设备 boiler plant
锅炉钢板 boiler plate
锅炉性能 boiler power
锅炉水 boiler water
沸腾 boiling
沸点 boiling point
沸水方法 boiling water method
螺栓套筒 bolt sleeve
螺栓连接 bolted connection
附着面积 bond area
粘着力破坏 bond failure
粘结灰泥 bond plaster
胶合区 bond zone
被耦合的砾石滤网 bonded gravel screen
粘结后张 bonded post tensioning