附着能力 adhesive ability
脱胶 adhesive failure
附着力 adhesive force
粘着性 adhesiveness
绝热养护 adiabatic curing
平洞口 adit opening
厢房 adjacent accommodation
窗棂 adjacent of window
邻屋 adjoining building
可第球铰链 adjustable ball hinge
可雕子窗 adjustable grille
可靛手 adjustable spanner
脱胶 adhesive failure
附着力 adhesive force
粘着性 adhesiveness
绝热养护 adiabatic curing
平洞口 adit opening
厢房 adjacent accommodation
窗棂 adjacent of window
邻屋 adjoining building
可第球铰链 adjustable ball hinge
可雕子窗 adjustable grille
可靛手 adjustable spanner
已蝶的净填土 adjusted net fill
蝶器 adjuster
窗开关蝶器 adjuster for window
蝶装置 adjusting device
第阀 adjusting valve
蝶楔块 adjusting wedge
混合物组份的第 adjustment of mixture
行政办公楼 administration building
容许浓度 admissible concentration
容许值 admissible value
吸气管 admission pipe
进气阀 admission valve
掺合剂效应 admixture effects
风干砖坯 adobe brick
干打垒结构 adobe construction
吸附物 adsorbate
反坡 adverse slope
加气混凝土 ae concret
充气水泥块 aerated cement block
真空式溢吝 aerated spillway
通气 aeration
曝气池 aeration basin
通风天窗 aeration skylight
天线杆 aerial mast
架空管横越 aerial pipe crossing
好气处理 aerobic treatment
飞机场 aerodrome
空气动力不稳定性 aerodynamic instability
空气动力阻力 aerodynamic resistance
空气过滤器 aerofilter