显性比 dominance ratio显性效应 dominant effect
显性上位 dominant epistasis
优势木 dominant tree
供体动物 donor animal
休眠 dormancy
休眠打破剂 dormancy breaker
休眠打破 dormancy breaking
潜伏芽 dormant bud
休眠种子 dormant seed
背腺 dorsal gland
背缝 dorsal suture
双宫茧 double cocoon
双重对比 double comparison
两茬栽培 double cropping
两熟制 double cropping system
双交 double cross
重瓣花 double flower
双刀割草机 double knife mower
双重茧层 double layered cocoon
套耕 double plough
重过磷酸钙 double superphosphate
双子宫 double uterus
绒山羊 down producing goat
霜霉病 downy mildew
大蒜霜霉病 downy mildew of garlic
役用牛 draft cow
牵引式搂草机 drag rake
蜻蜓 dragon fly
田间排水沟 drain ditch in the field
排水涵洞 drainage culvert
排水施设 drainage equipment
排涝 drainage of stagnant water
排水抽水站 drainage pump station
河川硫 drainage river basin
挖排水沟 drainage trenching
排干的土壤 drained soil
排水深度 draining depth
排水规划 draining scheme
公鸭 drake
役用马 draught horse
屠宰率 dressed carcass percentage