覆土圆盘 disk coverer圆盘中耕机 disk cultivator
圆式开沟器 disk furrow opener
家禽消化不良 dispepsia of poultry
分散范围 dispersive range
分散性土壤 dispersive soil
全裂的 dissected
异化过程 dissimilation process
排水沟间隔 distance between drains
双盘吸虫病 distomatosis
配水闸 distributing gate
分布特性 distribution character
品种安排 distribution of breed
罪安排 distribution of crop
穴安排 distribution of hill
分布域 distribution region
沟渠清洁机 ditch cleaner
清沟 ditch cleaning
氨磺酸盐除草剂 dithiocarbamate herbicide
敌草隆 diuron
异形花的 diversiflorous
异形叶的 diversifoliate
琼脂方法 dna agar technique dna
依赖dna的rna聚合酶 dna dependent rna polymerase
二硝甲酚 dnoc
菟丝子 dodder
菟丝子传染 dodder transmission
狗疱疹病毒 dog herpesvirus
狗钩端螺旋体病 dog leptospirosis
犬线虫病 dog nematosis
犬瘟疫 dog pest
白云石粉尘 dolomite powder
家畜 domestic animal
家畜系谱 domestic animal pedigree
家畜贫血 domestic animals anemia
家畜消化不良 domestic animals dyspepsia
家畜屠宰 domestic animals slaughter
驯养的水牛 domestic buffalo
家鸽 domestic pigeon
绵羊 domestic sheep
显性离差 dominance deviation
显性修饰因子 dominance modifier