美国饲料品管协会 A.A.F.C.O.; Association of American Feed Control Officials人工授精站 A.I. station ; artificial insemination station
分析化学协会〔美国〕 A.O.A.C.; Association of Official Analytical Chemists
白蛋白/球蛋白比 A/G ratio; albumin/globulin ratio
A带;暗带 A-band
屠宰场系统 abattoir system
屠宰场 abattoir; slaughterhouse
腹(部) abdomen
腹腔 abdominal cavity
腹水症 abdominal dropsy
腹肉 abdominal flesh
腹肌 abdominal muscle
腹壁 abdominal wall
外展神经 abducens nerve
外展作用 abduction
外展肌 abductor
性腺形成异常 aberation of gonadogenesis
安格斯牛 Aberdeen Angus cattle; Angus cattle
畸形有丝分裂 aberrant mitosis
畸形 aberration
畸形率 aberration rate
离乳;断乳 ablactation
离乳食品;断乳食品 ablactational food
摘除;脱离 ablation
异常行为 abnormal behavio(u)r
异常蛋 abnormal egg
异常发酵 abnormal fermentation
异常风味 abnormal flavo(u)r
异常乳 abnormal milk
异常气味 abnormal odo(u)r
异常卵 abnormal ovum
异常精子;畸形精子 abnormal sperm
异常味道 abnormal taste
异常;畸形 abnormality
皱胃移位 abomasal displacement
皱胃炎 abomastitis
皱胃 abomasum; abomasus
流产胎儿 aborted f(o)etus
流产 abortion; miscarriage
乳环(ABR)试验 Abortus-Bang Ring(ABR) test
剥落;擦伤 abrasion
鸡母珠毒蛋白 abrin
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