接触点 point of contact停汽点,切断点 point of cut-off
岔点 point of frog
发火点 point of ignition
弹着点 point of impact
入射点 point of incidence
交点 point of intersec-tion
作用点,操作点 point of operation
释放点,排汽点 point of release
支援点 point of support
切点 point of tangency
汽化点 point of vaporiza-tion
熔接点 point of weld
护轮器 (铁路) point protector
转辙器 point switch
点熔接 point welding
节点 point, pitch
主柱 pointal
逐点法 point-by-point method
尖顶拱 pointed arch
尖钻 pointed drill
尖头锉 pointed file
尖头锤 pointed hammer
尖头手虎钳 pointed hand vise
锥形轴颈 pointed journal
关头钳 pointed pliers
尖头刀具 pointed tool
指针 pointer
指针形计量器 pointer counter
指针检流计 pointer galvanom-eter
指针纪录器 pointer register
端部加工 (螺钉) pointing
端部加工车刀 pointing tool
点集合 point-set
点至点控制 point-to-point control
平衡,泊 (黏滞性单位) poise
砝码 poise weight
毒素 poison
毒气 poison gas
蒲松氏积分 Poisson integral
蒲松氏分布 Poisson‘s distribution
蒲松氏定理 Poisson‘s law