气胎曳距 pneumatic trail气力式传动系统 pneumatic transmission system
气力传动机构 pneumatic transmitting mechanism
气力轮送 pneumatic transport
风管传送器 pneumatic tube conveyor
气力输送管设备 pneumatic tube equipment
气动扩管器 pneumatic tube roller
气力输送管设备 pneumatic tubes
气力除尘器 pneumatic type cleaner
气力卸载器 pneumatic unloader
气控阀 pneumatic valve
气力振动器 pneumatic vibrator
气力钢丝刷 pneumatic wire brush
气力扳手 pneumatic wrench
气力学 pneumatics
麻点 pock marks
筏,套,囊,穴 pocket
袖珍战舰 pocket battle ship
袖珍书本 pocket book
袋式煤库 pocket bunker
携带燃料 pocket fuel
袖珍磨床 pocket grinder
携带电话机 pocket telephone
有套阀 pocketed valve
浸洗,酸洗 pockling
直槽木钻 pod-auger
尖,岔尖 point
尖角,钻头 point angle
点支承,点轴承 point bearing
点接触 point contact
点函数 point function
熔化点 point fusion
尖端测规 point gage
啮合点 point mesh
计分法 point method
作用点 point of action
进汽点 point of admission
作用点,施力点 point of applica-tion
爆炸点 point of burst
冲点 point of compact
压缩点 point of compres-sion
凝结点 point of condensa-tion