二因素变异数分析法 Two-factor analysis of variance双要素经济 Two-factor economics
双重缺口模型 Two-Gap Model
两种商品之假设 Two-good assumption
双重限制常态机率模型 Two-limit probit model
双重限制杜彬模型 Two-limit Tobit model
两部门模型 Two-part model
两部定价法 Two-part tariff
两党序列谈判实验 Two-party sequential bargaining experiments
两期 Two-period
双边拍卖 Two-sided auction
两端区间估计 Two-sided interval estimation
两端检定 Two-sided test
二阶段估计 Two-stage estimation
二阶最小平方法估计量 Two-stage least squares (2SLS) estimator
双尾指数分配 Two-tailed exponential distribution
双尾检定 Two-tailed test
双元汇率 Two-tier exchange rate
黄金两价制 Two-tier gold system
双轨制薪资 Two-tier wage schedule
双层定价 Two-tiered pricing
搭售 Tying
搭售安排 Tying arrangement
搭售契约 Tying contracts
搭售产品 Tying goods
型误差 Type error
型I截断 Type I censoring
型I极值分配 Type I extreme value distribution
型II截断 Type II censoring
型二误差 Type II error
型一误差 TypeⅠerror
限制的类型 Types of restraint
典型冲击反应函数 Typical impulse response function
T-distribution t-分配
T-test t-检定
T-statistic t-统计量
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