随机数表 Table of random digits随机随机数表 Table of random numbers
经济表 Tableau Economique
暗中勾结 Tacit collusion
尾端检定 Tail test
特定法则 Tailored rules
太平天国之乱 Taiping Rebellion
台湾存托凭证 Taiwan Depository Receipt (TDR)
接管 Takeover
公用征收 Taking
划记 Talley
切线 Tangent
有形资产 Tangible asset
有形效益 Tangible benefit
渐弱的整合 Tapered integration
购并标的公司 Target company
目标所得假说 Target income hypothesis
目标价格 Target price
目标区 Target zones
工具-目标分析 Target-instrument approach
目标 Targets
关税 Tariff
关税壁垒 Tariff barrier; Tariff wall
关税影响 Tariff effect
关税保护 Tariff protection
关税报复 Tariff retaliation
关税战争 Tariff war
关税 Tariffs
达达定理 Tartar theorem
品味 Taste
均衡调整;喊价过程 Tatonnement process
租税 Tax
代收税款与债款专户 Tax and Loan Accounts
避税 Tax avoidance
税基 Tax base
租税负担 Tax burden
租税法典 Tax code
守法纳税 Tax compliance
租税协议 Tax convention
租税调和 Tax coordination
税额抵减 Tax credit
投资抵减 Tax credit of investment
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