选择性雇用补贴 Selective (targeted) employment subsidies家禽家畜选育法 Selective Breeding of Livestock
选择性信用管制 Selective credit control
选择性干预 Selective intervention
自净能力 Self cleansing power
自我矫正 Self- correcting
自我选择(功能) Self- select
自营作业者 Self-employed workers
自雇分析法 Self-employment approach
自我执行 Self-enforcing
自我执行的雇用契约 Self-enforcing employment contracts
自己填表 Self-enumeration
自我兑现的预言 Self-fulfilling Prophecy
自我实现预期 Self-fullfiling expectations
自利心 Self-interest
自偿性理论 Self-liquidating theory
自行监测 Self-monitoring
自我选择 Self-selection
自我选择限制 Self-selection constraints
自我选择 Self-selectivity
半投入产出法 Semi-input-output method (SIOM)
混合准备金提存制 Semi-lagged reserve accounting (SLRA)
半母数 Semiparametric
半母数估计 Semiparametric estimation
半母数残差 Semiparametric residuals
半分离式均衡 Semi-separating equilibrium
半技术工 Semi-skilled labor
高受偿顺位债券 Senior security
年资;优先受偿 Seniority
年资准则 Seniority rule
年功薪资制 Seniority wage system
敏感度分析 Sensitivity analysis
分离式蓄电器 Separate condenser
分离的假设 Separate families of hypotheses
分开的产品 Separate products
分离式均衡 Separating equilibrium
所有权与控制权分离 Separation of ownership and control
离职率 Separation rate
分离定理 Separation Theorem
序列处理效果 Sequence-of-treatment effect
逐序谈判 Sequential bargaining
序列谈判赛局 Sequential bargaining games