史卡夫定理 Scarf theorem散布图 Scatter diagram
行程安排问题 Scheduling problem
基因族定理 Schema theorem
司马蓝赛效果 Schmaleness effect
奖学金 Scholarships
士林学派 Scholasticism
离校年龄 School-leaving age
舒瓦兹贝氏准则 Schwartz Bayesian criterion (SBC)
选择的科学 Science of choice
科学革命 Scientific Revolution
团体协议的范围 Scope of bargaining
「焦土政策」 Scorched-earth policy
计分函数 Score function
计分检定 Score test
计分算法 Scoring algorithm
筛选 Screening
筛选工具 Screening device
暗轮推进器 Screw Propeller
螺丝钉切割车床 Screw-Cutting Lathe
抵销 Sdet off
封闭式喊价 Sealed-bid
封闭式拍卖 Sealed-bid auctions
等值封闭式喊价 Sealed-bid common value
等值封闭式拍卖 Sealed-bid common value auctions
搜寻 Search
搜寻实验 Search experiment
搜寻财 Search goods
搜寻程序 Search procedure
搜寻性失业 Search unemployment
搜寻相关的独买 Search-related monopsony
季节调整 Seasonal adjustment
季节性自我相关整合移动平均模型 Seasonal ARIMA models
季节性共整合 Seasonal cointegration
季节性成分 Seasonal component
季节虚拟变数 Seasonal dummy
季节因子 Seasonal factor
季节变动 Seasonal fluctuations
季节指数 Seasonal index
季节性时间序列 Seasonal time series
季节性失业 Seasonal unemployment
季节性单根 Seasonal unit root