分割法 Partitioning methods讯息分割 partitions of information
工作伙伴 Partner
合伙 Partnership
半职 Part-time employment
帕尔森窗口 Parzen window
帕尔森CAT准则 Parzen’s CAT criterion
帕斯卡尔落迟 Pascal lag
帕斯卡尔落迟分配 Pascal lagged distribution
存折存款 Passbook deposit
活期储蓄存款 Passbook savings deposit
继承抗辩 Passing-on defense
转嫁 Pass-through
专利 Patent
专利竞赛 Patent race
专利制度 Patent system
专利形成之参进障碍 Patents as barrier to entry
父权制度 Paternalism
路径 Path
径分析 Path analysis
依赖现有路径 Path dependence
径图 Path diagram
贸易型态 Pattern of trade
贫工论 Paupa labor arguments
功绩报酬 Pay for performance
随收随支制社会安全 Pay-as-you-go social security
还本期限法则 Payback period rule
受实验者的偿付方式 Payment policies for subjects
支付系统 Payment system
实物报酬 Payments in kind
优势报酬 Payoff dominance
报酬扰动 payoff perturbation
报酬转换 Payoff transformations
报酬 Payoffs
薪资税 Payroll tax
尖峰期 Peak period
尖峰定价法 Peak-load pricing
峰度 Peakness
皮尔生相关系数 Pearson coefficient of correlation
皮尔生卡方检定 Pearson test
皮尔生试验法 Pearson’s experimental method
小农农业 Peasant Agriculture