罗兰级数 Laurent series罗森-梅滋乐-哈博格效果 Laursen-Metzler-Harberger effect
最小绝对值估计式 LAV estimator
法则 Law
比较利益法则 Law of comparative advantage
需求法则 Law of demand
边际替代率递减法则 Law of diminishing marginal rate of substitution
边际技术替代率递减法则 Law of diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution
边际报酬递减法则 Law of diminishing marginal returns
边际效用递减法则 Law of diminishing marginal utility
报酬递减法则 Law of diminishing returns
成本递增法则 Law of increasing cost
大数法则 Law of large numbers
长期关系法则 Law of long-run relation
单一价格法则 Law of one price
供给法则 law of supply
罗雷斯-王估计式 Lawless-Wang estimator
拉克斯-米尔格雷定理 Lax-Milgram theorem
层次化网络 Layered networks
解雇 Layoff
解雇经验 Layoff experience
解雇率 Layoff rate
领导者与追随者之赛局 Leader-follower game
领导者-追随者模型 Leader-follower Model
领导 Leadership
领导个案 Leading case
国联 League of Nations
漏损 Leakage
学习 Learning
逆势操作 Learning against the wind
边做边学 Learning by doing
学习曲线 Learning curve
学习效果 Learning effects
学习过程 Learning process
最小绝对差估计量 Least absolute deviations estimator
最小绝对误差估计式 Least absolute error (LAE) estimator
最小绝对残差估计式 Least absolute residual (LAR) estimator
最小绝对值估计式 Least absolute value (LAV) estimator
最小共同乘数 Least common multiplier
一般最小化残差变估计量 Least generalized residual variance (LGRV) estimator
最低度开发国家 Least less developed countries (LLDCs)
最低显著差异值 Least significance difference(LSD)