偏向进口部门的成长 Import-biased growth进口型通货膨胀 Imported inflation
给付不能 Impossibility
监禁 Imprisonment
瑕事前机率 Improper priors
冲击反应函数 Impulse response function
冲击反应权数 Impulse response weights
不受惩罚的赛局 Impunity games
非纯粹公共财 Impure public good
设算值 Imputation
隐含或设算所得 Imputed income
价内发行 In the money
不可用估计式 Inadmissible estimator
不可转让性 Inalienability
即买即卖 In-and-out
诱因相符性 Incentive compatibility
诱因限制式 incentive compatibility constraint
诱因限制 Incentive constraint
诱因契约 Incentive contracts
诱因问题 Incentive problem
诱因管制 Incentive regulation
诱因计划 incentive scheme
诱因式报酬 Incentive-based pay
诱因兼容限制 Incentive-compatibility constraint
与诱因相符的机制 Incentive-compatible mechanisms
诱因 Incentives
搭便车的动机 Incentives to free-ride
归宿 Incidence
初期理论 Incipiency doctrine
周延 Inclusive
所得 Income
所得系数 Income coefficient
所得消费曲线 Income consumption curve
所得分配 Income distribution
所得效果 Income effect
所得弹性 Income elasticity
所得差距 Income gap
实物所得;非货币所得 Income in Kind
所得不均度;所得不均 Income inequality
所得支撑 Income maintenance
(要素)收入法 Income method
所得保证 Income quarantee